Blog, Youtube

Embedded Youtube Playlist Starts at Certain Video

Knowing how to make Youtube playlist starts on a particular video can be useful, if someday one wants to install and promotes playlists on a website. By default, the Youtube playlist is played from the most recent video, or the oldest video, depending on the settings made by the user.

Before proceeding, it's worth reading first two previous posts, i.e Embedded Iframe Youtube Video Responsive 100% Width, and the other one Defer Parsing Youtube Video to Speed Up Loading in Blogger.

Only after implementing the two steps mentioned in both posts then creating Embedded Youtube Playlist Starts at Certain Video can be useful, especially after implementing the defer parsing. Without defer parsing the Youtube videos, loading speed of your website page will drop drastically, and it is not nice for readers, and it's not either for search engines.

The tips I will write is to make a Youtube playlist starts on a particular video using a manual way, without JavaScript. This means you'll need to make manual changes periodically to allow playlists to start from different videos when people visit to your page.

Although it will be a little inconvenient, but the manual way does not affect loading pages, and the reader has full freedom whether to play the video or not. If it does not play, they are not harmed both for loading time and the mobile internet quota.

Whenever you want to show which videos to appear first, it might be good that the thumbnail playlist is also replaced accordingly so that people do not mistakenly guess that they would see the old video. To do so see please read How to Change Thumbnail of Youtube Playlist.

As mentioned in the first two posts above, to display a playlist with a width of 100% and with defer parsing script, the code used is as follows :
<div class="container"><iframe data-src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen class="video"></iframe></div>

Since video on Youtube playlist starts at 0, to display the 8th video you add &index = 7 to the playlist, so the code becomes:

<div class="container"><iframe data-src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen class="video"></iframe></div>

You should replace the playlist id, colored in red, with your own playlist id.

, seorang pejalan musiman dan penyuka sejarah. Penduduk Jakarta yang sedang tinggal di Cikarang Utara. Diperbarui: July 09, 2018.

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