Blog, Travel, WordPress

WordPress: How to Make Connection Link in Bilingual Blog

If you have a blog in two languages, for example in bahasa Indonesian and English, then certainly need to know how to make connection link in bilingual blog so that readers can move from from one version to another, if desired. By creating the link then readers have option to read a post in language that they like.

Creating a bilingual blog has at least two purposes. First is for blog posts to reach a far wider readership, and the second one is for bloggers to hone their abilities to write in a foreign language, whether it's in English, French, German, Chinese, or other foreign languages.

If it's written first in bahasa Indonesia, Google Translate can help bloggers to translate posts into the desired languages. Although the translation is almost always imperfect, but it does help saving time. The author still certainly needs to read it carefully and then fix the incorrect translations.

Writing in a foreign language first is also a good practice, to maintain the ability to express ideas in writing directly in that language. Even if this is the case, Google Translate still can help to save time in creating the Indonesian version, although translation results remains to be corrected.

Currently Aroengbinang Travelog have English version at Aroengbinang Travelogue and is still in the process of translating the entire Indonesian versions into English versions. Therefore, only English version has connection links into its Indonesian version.

To make connection link in bilingual blog follow below steps:
  1. In order below script to work, both posts in English and Indonesia version should have the same permalink. For example and The post title can be different.
  2. Next open single.php
    For link from English version to Indonesian version in the primary domain, copy and place the following line right after <header class="entry-header">, or at other desired place:

    <a href="/<?php
    function my_permalink() {
    echo substr(get_permalink(), strlen(home_url('/')));}
    ?>">Bahasa Indonesia</a>
  3. For link from Indonesia to Inggris version in sub-folder /en/, copy and place the following line right after <header class="entry-header">, or at other desired place:

    <a href="/en/<?php
    function my_permalink() {
    echo substr(get_permalink(), strlen(home_url('/')));}
    ?>">In English</a>

Finally step is to create css style css for the link, if you want to redecorate the appearance.

, seorang pejalan musiman dan penyuka sejarah. Penduduk Jakarta yang sedang tinggal di Cikarang Utara. Diperbarui: January 28, 2017.

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