
The Jakarta International Jazz Festival - Second Day

This is the second post out of four on JakJazz 2006, the Jakarta International Jazz Festival that blessed me with few good lessons both in music and digital photography. The first lesson that showed my ignorance about the world of Jazz was that I thought Monday Michiru was a name of a group band... What a shame!

Not until I finsihed downloading images for this post, hit Google search to find Monday Michiru's website, found it at, and hit the "Bio" menu, that I realized the fatal mistake. My daughter teased me joyfully that even "nenek-nenek koma" (dying old woman, in comma) knows her...

Monday was born on August 19, 1963 in Tokyo, and was named so by her parents, jazz pianist Toshiko Akiyoshi and jazz saxophonist Charlie Mariano, to reflect both her Japanese and American heritage.She has gone through a lot of things in her life. She studied modern dance, ballet, classical flute; became a movie star, hosted her own radio programs, model for major commercial ads, journalist with a regular page in the Tokyo Journal.
She also produces her own works.

Monday appeared in numerous music festivals and clubs, including the Greater Tokyo Music Festival, the Newport Jazz Festival, The Baltic Jazz Festival, North Sea Jazz Festival, Montreux Jazz Festival, and The Jakarta International Jazz Festival (was she in Java Jazz Festival?)

Well, good, my knowledge becomes a little bit better.

Now, to lessen my guilty feeling, I shall go out to music store to buy her CD today.
Hello Monday, I hope you can accept my sincere apology...

, seorang pejalan musiman dan penyuka sejarah. Penduduk Jakarta yang sedang tinggal di Cikarang Utara. Diperbarui: December 23, 2015.

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